Welcome to the Junior League of Martin County's Little Black Dress Initiative!
The Little Black Dress Initiative (LBDI) is a week-long, social media-driven fundraising campaign that underscores the Junior League of Martin County’s mission to fight the literacy crisis and provide reading-level appropriate books to children in the community.
The Junior League of Martin County invites its members to wear the same black dress or outfit for five consecutive days from May 10 – May 14, 2021, to illustrate how limited resources affect daily life and raise awareness about the importance of children’s literacy.
Your donation will not only provide reading-level appropriate books to children in the community, but it will also assist our League in revamping the library at 10th Street Community Center.
I wear my dress because ... poverty affects everyone. Just one small way help is to provide resources, such as age appropriate books, to the children to help them to learn. As literacy rates improve, opportunities will open. I believe in this project and hope to have an impact on the youth of Martin and St. Lucie Counties who do not have access to the resources they need.
#JLMCFL #AskMeAboutMyDress